First verify the dimensions and weight permitted by your airline for both your cabin baggage and your luggage in the hold. Our plug-in will assist you in finding the cabin cases that are accepted by your airline, you can access it here. The standards applied by the majority of airlines can also be viewed here.

And if you prefer to draw up your lists on post-its? One post-it per item, to be stuck onto the suitcase and removed as each item is placed inside.

Don't forget your laundry bags: a bag for dirty laundry, a small bag for wet swimwear… and a laundry bag can also stand in as a bag for shoes!

Role items to avoid creasing. We call this the maki technique. You can layer up several tops prior to rolling for even fewer creases.

Only fill your case three quarters full so that it can be easily closed on both your outward and inward bound journeys, allowing some space for souvenirs. You could even bring a folding shopping bag with you.

Place all of your cables into a single storage bag. Likewise, place your electronic devices (computer, camera…) into a single, easily accessible bag in your cabin case, to save time when passing through security checks.

Prevent your beauty products from leaking during transport: remove the lid or cover, apply a layer of cling film using adhesive tape and replace the lid or cover over the top.

When travelling by plan, to avoid having to worry about your case being delayed upon arriving at your destination, consider writing your destination address on you address tag. You could also place a business card in the holder on your suitcase. And if you are travelling with a companion, put some of your clothes in their case so that you will still have a few key garments with you in the event that your own case is delayed or lost!